Saturday, May 18, 2024

Interesting Encounters - Trees of Pune

Many of us have varied passions & interests and when we feel a deep emotional connect with something, it pushes us to do something more about it. Sometimes, we make a full-fledged career out of it, at times it remains as a side hustle, sometimes, its a way to find more like-minded people who share similar passions to enrich each other’s lives. Our life ultimately is the meaning that we give to the connections & experiences we encounter. My quest to reach out to people following their unique interests and passions led me to Trees of Pune, a fascinating initiative by the multi-faceted and multi-talented Sonia. She is a marketing consultant, an avid blogger, traveller, a voracious reader, a yoga practitioner, an educator in the space of menstrual health & sustainable menstruation practices & so much more.

 It was during her daily runs that Sonia started to notice the trees and soon this tuned into a journey of knowing them better, as she saw the ‘sheer dynamism of a seemingly stationary object’, going beyond what we usually see in a tree – a brown trunk & leaves. She started to notice the changes in trees across seasons, the change in the colour of their leaves, their flowering pattern, the life they sustain (birds, squirrels etc.) and more. As she says – a whole universe resides in there. Sometimes a tree tells the tale of migration from a land faraway giving the mind the wings to try & piece the story behind it and perhaps become more aware of how connected we all are really to each other. Her interest led her to knowing more about the trees and she started to offer tree walks to people to share about this dynamic life pulsating in their surroundings, neighbourhood, know their names and make that connection. Since, when we know the name of something, we connect deeper, enabling us to overcome our apathy and take better action. After all, the best of intentions when combined with incomplete or half knowledge can create more harm.

 What’s in a name one may ask? Nothing or everything depending on how one looks at it. Name is the first thing we use to introduce ourselves or ask a new person whom we wish to get acquainted to. We often give names to our cherished possessions (in my family, my then kid brother’s soft toy named Johny has had a life of its own) or something that we feel an affinity towards. Of course, the attributes of the person based on our experiences soon give more meaning to the names, but that’s how we start usually. There is a deep psychological reason behind giving & knowing names. Naming makes the world seem less intimidating, creates a sense of companionship and reduces feelings of isolation. We continuously seek connections with each other and when we become aware of our interconnectedness with all living things, including non-humans, the sheer scale of the universe & life in itself can be humbling, enriching & empowering. We care better when we know someone deeper.

Let’s take a pause sometimes, observe nature and soak in its power to rejuvenate ourselves, revel in our connections and care for each other. As Sonia says, “Often we lose the magic of sheer beauty in the pursuit of identity, the whys, the wherefores when all is required is to rejoice in the gift of being.”

#passion #corevalue